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Frequently Asked Questions


Where does the data go?

Your implanted cardiac device connects to your transmitter every day and uses a secure server to transmit the data to a password protected website that Cardiac Rhythm Connect technicians and your Cardiologist have access to. Our technicians analyse the data and send a full report to your Cardiologist for review.



How do I know if my monitor is working?

Remote transmission times will be scheduled on a regular basis as per your Cardiologists request. You will receive confirmation of your scheduled remote checks via text or email, whichever you prefer.

If your device has detected a serious heart rhythm or problem, this would be called an unscheduled transmission and your Cardiologist will be informed as soon as possible. They may contact you to visit your clinic depending on what the issue is and if programming changes or an in-clinic review is necessary.
We are notified if a transmitter or app is not connecting to your device after a set period of time, so rest assured if your monitor or app is not working we will try to contact you. You can email or text  us to let us know if you are going away for more than 2 weeks so we know to expect a potential disconnected transmitter notification.


What are the benefits of remote monitoring?

  • Enables us to perform device checks from your home

  • Gives us early detection of any arrhythmia or device issues

  • Ensure your device is programmed just right for you and your needs

  • Less time spent travelling to clinic, in some cases a remote check can replace an in-clinic visit

  • Faster time to treatment if there is a medical problem

  • Faster troubleshooting if there is problem with your device

  • Remote monitoring can give your cardiologist access to your device data and specific rhythm information if a significant clinical symptom occurs without you physically needing to be in hospital or clinic

  • Early detection and appropriate action leads to improved health outcomes and reduced risk of hospital admission

​Is there a cost for this service?

There is a fee for our remote monitoring service which covers daily monitoring of your device plus scheduled checks that are requested by your cardiologist for a full year. The cost is reflected in the amount of transmissions and complexity of the information the devices transmit. To find out more about the cost of remote monitoring for your particular device please use the contact us page and send us a message.


Can you make changes to my device?

No we can’t. If any programming changes are needed it can only be done in-clinic


If I go away do I need to take my monitor?

It is up to you if you take it with you or not. Your monitor will work anywhere in Australia where there is mobile phone reception, and within many other countries outside of Australia. Your transmitter does not affect the functioning of your device so it is not essential that you take it with you. If you are unsure, discuss it with your cardiologist.

  • If you choose to take your monitor and something happens while you are away, your cardiologist will still be able to see the data from your device.

  • If you do not take it away with you and you go for more than 2 weeks please let us know so we don’t keep trying to contact you. If you are unwell your device can be checked by a nearby hospital or on your return home


Whatever you choose to do, enjoy your trip!


​Is Remote Monitoring compulsory?

Enrollment into the remote monitoring service with Cardiac Rhythm Connect is voluntary. If you choose not to participate in remote monitoring, you will be required to attend routine in-clinic appointments with your Cardiologist and you will not receive the benefits associated with remote monitoring.


Are you able to give results?

Unfortunately not. All transmission reports are sent to your Cardiologist who will then review the information. If you require results outside of your scheduled appointments you will need to get in touch with your Cardiology clinic.

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